blog_breakthru2As we continue to our series on breakthrough moments from Royal Family Kids Camp, this post will focus on 7-year old Donny.  If you missed Part I, click here.

Campers come to RFKC with varying levels of knowledge about God. Donny, a small seven year old who was at camp for the first time, was not familiar with the Bible. When his counselor first prayed with him and the other campers and counselors in their group at lunch, Donny had no interest in praying. The counselor prayed the standard “Thank you for this food, etc.”

During the week, his counselor prayed at each meal and at bedtime. Within the first couple of days, Donny asked his counselor who Jesus was. The counselor read him the story of creation from Genesis explaining that God had made everything. On the third night, he read him the story of Jonah and the whale. Halfway through the story, Donny stopped his counselor to recap what he had heard to make sure he understood it. He was even caught observing one counselor’s bald head and commenting that it must be easy for God to count all of his hairs on his head. By midweek, Donny was requesting to pray at meals and at bedtime. He emulated his counselor when he said the prayer because even at bedtime, he started with “Thank you for this food”.

This counselor was a living example of Christ’s love and gave not only a gift of his time but something much more important, an introduction into who God is.
